Harriet Mills, Principal with Staatsballet Karlsruhe, talks about how she survived the toxic regime and weight issues during her ballet training. ... read more →
A reader's response of the post on bully teaches and coaches in ballet. I received an email from someone who read my post on bully teachers and coaches in ballet. ... read more →
The third Q&A from dancers is about what to do about bullying teachers and coaches. Question: Some young dancers unfortunately find themselves in unhealthy situations with coaches or teachers. Some... read more →
Today's Q&A for Dancers' Mental Health is about self-care. Question: Do you have any day-to-day simple calming techniques for dancers who feel overwhelmed? Meditation, breathing and visualisations. [caption id="attachment_256" align="alignleft"... read more →
Today's post starts a series of Q&As from dancers regarding Mental Health issues for Ballet Dancers. Mental Health Awareness Week UK It is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK... read more →
Jeanette Kakareka tells us about her anxiety as a teenage ballet student I enjoyed being one of the smart kids at school Jeanette - Ballet in... read more →
Narcissists are around us in all walks of life. All performers, to a certain degree, are narcissists, otherwise they wouldn’t want to get on stage and perform to an audience. ... read more →
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Here is a link to Dance Magazine's article regarding a recently published study from Portugal showing that specific mental health issues in dance students, such as eating disorders, perfectionism, low... read more →
The discipline of ballet training; The possible effects on long term mental health In this article, I take a look at the potential links associated with the long-term mental health... read more →